OFF THE WALL: Applications for England National Squad
Current Junior (lower), Youth A, Youth B and upper Youth C are now able to apply for England National Squad places.
Application Timeline
Opens - 16 October
Closes - 3 November
Note: Youth B and Upper Youth C athletes may wish to wait until after the YCS grand final in order to gain additional points. A second round of applications will open on 27 November and closing 8 December.
Link to the from -
Link to selection policies - Selection Policies 2024 — GB Climbing
Guidelines for completing the form
Please ensure all contact details are entered correctly
Complete all the relevant fields
You must choose whether you are applying based on points for lead or boulder You may only accrue points in one discipline.
You may complete results for all competitions participated in in 2023 but
Only the top 2 results in the four nations series will be counted
Speed athletes must submit further evidence as per the selection criteria
Note: Section 4.2.1 of the Annual Benchmarking Strategy does not apply for those wishing to be considered for the National Squad. It does apply for those athletes looking to gain a place on the regional squad.
Exceptional Circumstances
Where an athlete has been unable to take part for reasons outlined in the selection criteria they should complete an exceptional circumstance form (before the closing date) in order to be considered for selection.
Following the application deadlines, the selection panel will meet week commencing 13 November. Athletes will be notified of the results on 15 November. Athletes must accept their place and pay the squad fees before they are officially recognised as being on the squad.
More information about the England Squad and key dates are available here: